Also completely untrue. The social context behind a word, the way it’s been used to harm and further people’s oppression and marginalization, doesn’t just magically go away because you’re “not offended.” Words have power — that’s why people use them. It takes an actual shift to the social context to take away its power.
It was always associated with dark arts and satanism and everything ignorant people are afriad of. The term just needed better examples to turn the meaning around.
Estoy de acuerdo con lo que dice la güera en el penúltimo panel…
Es lo que suele hacer la gente, en vez de dejar que se les resbale y ver de quien viene, prefieren sentirse victimas.
Social magic commentary right there.
Best kind.
Also completely untrue. The social context behind a word, the way it’s been used to harm and further people’s oppression and marginalization, doesn’t just magically go away because you’re “not offended.” Words have power — that’s why people use them. It takes an actual shift to the social context to take away its power.
Yeah… that’s *exactly* what this story is all about.
Howso? I’m not getting that out of it, though maybe I’m just missing something.
I’m in lesbians with that witch <3
Oh snap. Things are getting real.
Now you have me thinking though. Witch always has had a bad connotation to it, until when Harry Potter came out. Wonder what the story is there?
PS, it’s “get rid of”, not “get rid off”.
It was always associated with dark arts and satanism and everything ignorant people are afriad of. The term just needed better examples to turn the meaning around.
And thanks! It’s fixed now.
Pues esa bruja sera muy mala. Pero tiene muy buenos argumentos.
Es libre, no afoca sus poderes para cosas que ayuden a alguien mas, pero nada, ni las palabras, la atan.