Hehehe, I didn’t want to ruin the punchline, but wanted to drop hint here and there.
And no, as of yet, but I’ve been thinking about changing it to that. There’s a story line for that locket, so however I end of picturing it, it’ll determine if I change it or not.
Aaaaaah, it all makes sense! You weren’t kidding when you said “He’s magic”!
(Is that a Pac Man locket?)
Hehehe, I didn’t want to ruin the punchline, but wanted to drop hint here and there.
And no, as of yet, but I’ve been thinking about changing it to that. There’s a story line for that locket, so however I end of picturing it, it’ll determine if I change it or not.
Ah ya decía yo que estaba muy lejos de Koga e Iga para haber aprendido el arte del ninjutsu… jejeje.
Aunque creo que va a tener que ahcerlo ahora que ya le cacharon esto.
Ohhh eso explica todo XD
Le funciono mientras le duro.
Ahhh vaya, ahora todo tiene sentido…. Y ese borrachín no aprende, caramba D:
Y algo me dice que le va a ir por chismoso que al otro por rata.