Hey there!

So, nothing quite mayor yet, I’ve just been just goofing around with the design of the site a little bit, which all credit goes to my friend Sean Pedleton by the way, who saved the Wyliman site some months ago when Comic Press decided to crap itself, and I just basically copy/pasted the code from there and reworked here with photoshop and quite lame tech skills.

Anyway, just wanted to let you guys know that this is almost ready (I’ll add stuff to the site daily for the enxt few days) and it’ll officially launch January 1st with the very first. I already have 10 ready to go, so we already got 5 weeks down.

Anyway, let me know if the site looks good (as empty as it is, but more color scheme wise) or there’s something that looks iffy (without minding the logo on top, I’ll get around that later).

Mario A.~