As I’ve teased for the past few weeks, there’s something not so good going on with my life as of lately. Skipping to the meat and potatoes of the issue: I’m almost broke.
Now, this isn’t a petty post to ask for help while I do nothing in return, but to give context of what’s going to happen. Last year, my ventures of touring around the US to comic book shows proved to be hard, and it seriouslly kicked my ass financially. Some shows were awesome and totally worth the trip, but others weren’t so much. Added to that, readership for at least Wyliman (haven’t really properlly installed a visitors tracker to the Clink website) dropped to incredibly low numbers. In all honesty, I don’t know what happened or how to pin it to something (the site looks way better now in my opinion and I haven’t done anything different to promote every new page in all my social media outlets), so money is not coming in from the Project Wonderful ads.
So basically I need to get a day job again. Something to keep a constant flow of cash coming my way so I can still keep myself and my work afloat, and to keep hitting awesome shows and meet with awesome fans and fellow cartoonists.
Which means: Both webcomics will have now an undefined schedule for updates, since I won’t have the amount of time I have now to produce one page a day. Of course, it’s not ideal for any end of the process of me delivering content to you guys, but this has to happen or there would be no content at all.
I don’t want to commit to say when the comics will update because there might be times I won’t be able to meet that deadline, all I can say is that as soon I finish drawing a page, I’ll put it up and let you all know (be sure to follow me on Twitter, Tumblr or the Facebook fanpages for both Wyliman and Clink so you know when I do that).
And, as I feel is convenient enough to remind everybody that you can help me out a bit: if you have a couple of bucks every now or then just laying around, you can kick them to me by hitting the donate button in either one of the webcomic sites (said button is located right next to the comic page on each website). As well, I’m always open for commision work. Or, just the simple one that helps a lot: spread the word about my work. Tell your friends, share it online, whatever is the easiest for you. It drives more traffic to my websites.
Thank you guys for understanding and I hope this whole situation gets better soon enough so I can dedicate myself soley to draw fun stories for you once again.
Mario A.~
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