Thanks man! I wanna keep playing with the shadowing a bit more in following stories, especially it’s color tone depending on the enviroment (like here is a bit purple, and maybe use reds and greens for a forest scene, or yellows and browns for deserts, etc…)
jaja creo que “odd” se queda corto…
Buen giro ese del interior del golem…
Gracias caballero 😀
That man is contempt with living inside a snow golem.
Liking the shaded colouring more and more, too! Especially the textures.
He’s an easy going fella.
Thanks man! I wanna keep playing with the shadowing a bit more in following stories, especially it’s color tone depending on the enviroment (like here is a bit purple, and maybe use reds and greens for a forest scene, or yellows and browns for deserts, etc…)
no sé que me saca más de onda, el hecho de que estén dentro del golem o la naturalidad con la que el otro personaje lo dice
Es un hombre relajado.