Welp, that’s it for our friend Saint George. This is the second “long” story I do that doesn’t involve none of the main or regular characters.
Anyways, these are the couple of images I used for reference:
99% of the paintings depicting George fighting the dragon, picture the dragon that small. George’s hair rules.
Also, while researching the myth, I found out that Saint George is part of the Fourteen Holy Helpers, which means, I’ll get to goof on 13 other weirdos.
I like the theme with this one, the power of believing in something so strongly that people will actively become willful ignorant.
Just as a heads up, most probably I’ll take next Tuesday off. It’s the fourth and last day a year I allow myself to miss an update. Some stuff came along and I spent the previous two weeks sick, so it’s just a catch up for myself.
Mario A.~
PS: Would you like if I start doing this, doing little explanations/epilogues to the stories at the end of each arc?
This is true even today. Though not exactly the same, but similar, is when people build up one guy as being the absolute best guy ever. If they ever do one “bad” thing, it’s time for the pitchforks.
Yeah, we live in a society of extremes, people don’t judge on a case by case basis, even for the same person. We all got out ups and downs, but people take one of them as the absolute.
I remember a segment from MAD called “Super Goalie” that sounds exactly like what you’re talking about.
I remember that! Yeah, I see what you mean.
Pues sí, la idealización siempre ha existido, y en cuanto a leyendas si aún hoy con la inmediatez del internet, redes sociales y todo eso, se pueden porpagar rumores y falsas noticias (que por estar en internet, todos las creen) pues que se podría esperar en esas épocas, donde toda noticia pasaba de boca en boca y tardaba años en llegar de un lugar a otro…
Diferentes medios de como comunicarse, pero creo que no estamos tan alejados a la ignorancia voluntaria de esos tiempos.
A mi me gustó mucho esta historia y esperaré las de los otros 13 tipos raros.
Y a mi me gustan esos epílogos comparando el cómic con la leyenda original =3!
Muchas gracias señorita 😀
Epilogues at the end of the arcs is a good idea. It’s enjoyable getting to know some background about a story.
An explanation at the end of an ark is also a good idea, mainly to explain what the heck a big boat is doing parked where it is.
You scared me for a second there, I though I actually wrote “ark” instead of “arc”.
I wonder, tho, did Noah had to give an explanation at the end of his ark?
I think he would have done so to try to avoid getting a parking ticket on Mt Ararat. To wit: “Stranded by storm. Will move as soon as possible.”
Vaya. Pobre Jorge, es una víctima del teléfono descompuesto.
¿Nos faltan 13 historias de tipos raros? ¡Genial!
Y creo esto no ayudara en nada.
Espero, no he investigado mas a fondo (me gusta dejarlo a improvisacion) a cada uno, puede que alguno no de para mucho, jeje.